Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Standard Chartered Marathon and the aftermath!!!

Standard Chartered Marathon
I just want to advertise that I beat all these guys you are seeing here!

I did my 21km in time I am going for 2hrs 45mins ;-)
Hi guys I am sorry for this late update but I was still writhing in pain and agony after my over-ambitious run at the Standard Chartered Marathon that took place at the Nyayo stadium this past Sunday (28th Oct).

I am runner and I have been running for like five months but took a break in August and September. I had no plans of running this marathon because I knew my body was not prepared but after the Kitenge festival I felt like I ought to do it. So I became one of those people who made late payments and scavenged from the Village Market to the CBD and finally to Mombasa Road (Nakumatt Mega) to find a race number. (If only I had done this earlier!)  With only one week left I resumed my running enjoying my runs through Karura forest and along the roads early in the morning. Thank God the weather was favorable. 

The day before the marathon and lets just say there are a lot of things that can derail you. For example two bottles of fine wine (thanks bro) and friends (you know yourselves!)who suggest ''brownies''........Crisis was obviously averted even though the idea of Usain Bolting all the way to the finishing line sounded very appealing. But if Lance Amstrong can pay such a hefty price picture what will happen to someone no one has ever heard of and who has no Kip or Chep attached anywhere on her name.......SCANDAL

So the day of the marathon finally arrived and it was raining cats and rained all night! Really weather! really!

I made it to the stadium in the nick of time and pushed (gently like a lady!) my way some place closer to the starting line. Except I wasn't the only late boomer who wanted to be close to the starting line! 7.30am the gun went off and they cheered and I crossed my fingers and prayed for no side stitches. Every runner has their own thing that just seems to pull them back and for me the side stitches always know the perfect time to start ruining a perfectly fine run. Some get hungry, others get tired and others simple get bored!
The runners........
The walkers......................

I started running and realized just how well my body had adapted to running again so I kept pressing on, remembering to breathe in twice and out twice. This method really works. Had I known my body was only pretending that I was in perfect shape I would have quit and walked off because I promise you the pain I went through after finishing that race was nothing wordable!
Anyway I totally enjoyed the run and if there was another marathon the day after I probably would have crawled all the way to the starting line and then drag my body all the way to the finishing line.....(it's funny when you picture it in your head!)

I was impressed by the thousands of people who showed up for the race. it was for such a good cause.I hoped to land a couple of interviews but the closest interviewee I could have gotten that day is the guy driving the ambulance.

While I was running I came to realize why people do this. the joy and elation you feel is priceless. Even if 80yr Olds or 10yr Olds kept passing me and I passed them back and I they overtook me again and they were on my trail (it was like battle of the titans! How I wish this was July when I was at the peek of my running. I could have showed them who is boss..)
Nicki Minaj I have never appreciated the beats to Starship like I did that day. You propelled me. Beethoven you calmed my mind when my cuffs were hurting and all I wanted was to meditate the pain away. It worked...

The race started outside Nyayo stadium down to Uhuru Park then down to University way . We then we ran down to.........Oooooooh God we ran and ran!!! Here's a map to prove it.

I have a couple of reasons why I think people came for the marathon.
1.Because they care for the cause
2.Because they want to lose weight
3.Because they love running
4.Because they want to keep fit
4.Because they want to show off how fit they are
5.Because they want to beat a previous time
6.Because they were forced by their partners
7.Because they just had to get out of the house
8.Because all their friends are doing it 
9.Because it is cool
10.Because it was raining outside and it would feel like ...................OK my ideas probably don't make sense or don't matter but what ever reason you had for going for the marathon your donation and participation was welcome. 

I met new friends and made new alliances. I will definitely be attending more marathons. I enjoyed the whole experience and the only reason I was in pain is because I didn't do sufficient exercise. I am fine now.......

See you on my next post........heading back to Kisumu City....I have a date with some artists.

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