Thursday, October 4, 2012

I am in Dala City....Kisumu City!

Temperature: 28 degrees
Humidity: 65%
According to me: Hot and hot!!!
and the Rainy season is hot and wet

I arrived in Kisumu on Wednesday after a six hour road trip from Nairobi. The road trip was awesome I must say. The book i was reading had me so captivated infact I felt like I was literally one of the characters and I also had so many Ideas flowing in my head about all those things I want to blog about, the new and the old things in Kisumu. Where to do this and that  or even who to call if you need a or B. I kept jotting down all these ideas disregarding the fact that my hand writing was probably illegible due to the rough diversions. Oh by the way, I love what the Chinese are doing to our roads. A little bumpy ride here and there and soon a mega highway is born....I can persevere that.
I got to Kisumu at around 5.30pm and boy wasn't it hot! Maybe I am being overly dramatic about the heat...could be because my house back in Nairobi is as cold as ice...

The next day I met with my darling friend and embarked on a small tour of some restaurants and if you know Kisumu, you know where these photos were taken, if not, stay tuned because I will dedicate a whole post on the same, some day soon. This post is merely an introduction.......

Dala City, is a city that has hidden jems which I want to unravel. As we drove around i could see so many places and things to do that even Kisumians are not aware is in their back grounds....

That swimming pool almost made me jump in with all my clothes just to cool off.....

More photos......

I hope you will enjoy this blog...........more posts coming soon


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