Tuesday, October 23, 2012


This beautiful lady is wearing a Kitenge jacket and looks absolutely HOT! 

To say I had FUN is without a doubt an understatement. To say I had A COLOSSAL AMOUNT of FUN is much closer to the truth. I absolutely enjoyed myself and from the look of everyone's face people were happy to be there.

Kitenge Festival is a celebration of the Kitenge/Ankara fabric and everything African.  The vendors wowed us with everything and anything, name it and I would have pointed you to a stand or probably picked out a biz card from the collection I had and refer you to someone.

I was at the Art Caffe at the Village Market having my Cappuccino and plain croissant.....I know I know. But I already confessed I am an addict and the first step to recovery is acceptance! So as I was having my breakfast the music from the festival venue kept hammering (in a good way) that I was getting late and missing out on all the juicy stuff and I know how I don't like being the one to ask...''so what happened after?'' I like being the source. I went home and wore my Kitenge outfit and was back in like 30 minutes and just as I was entering the venue I could have promised (I am trying to avoid the word sworn ;-)) heaven gate's must have been bolted open because angels were everywhere!!!colorful angels! and they were floating in the air singing wonderful things in my ears and drawing .....okay, people were dressed for this occasion and the there was so much color in the air!

This Collection is from AfroNista.
Jackie Ouma and the gentleman back there is her brother Norbert Ouma.
Designs are done by their sister Laura Ouma currently in Nigeria

Part of the AfroNista Collection


Meet Mwikali of Gorge, the Lady behind one of the hottest Jewellery Collection...got to love her smile!
To get in touch with her: Email:gorge.nbi@gmail.com
facebook:Gorge (nbi)
Tel: +254732675247

Meet this lovely lady marketing Wambui Mukenyi's Holiday Collection
Email: info@wambuimukenyi.com
Facebook: Wambui Mukenyi
Website: www.wambuimukenyi.com
And another form the Holiday Collection......

Here is more from Wambui Mukenyi's Holiday Collection. This was one of my favourites....

This beautifully crafted dress was part of Mcensal School of Fashion and Design's collection. I took a brochure just in case ;-)

and this is how to  STRIKE A PAUSE! Smile!

This is how you rock an outfit.....Leopard print Kitenge Jumpsuit.....

Tony Opot and Zeynab Ally of ZeynabAlly.
Email: tony@zeynabally.com
Website: zeynabally.com
Facebook: Zeynab Ally
Tel: +254728414457

High heel from ZeynabAlly...check out the Clutch bags under the shoe

Check out Tony's jacket and Zeynab's blouse and jewellery...

Meet new designers Ado Yiembo of Tanashati (in whities) and Mitchel Langi of Dassa (In the shoes I want)
You can get in touch with Dassa through email: dassabydesign@gmail.com

Plausible reason for ending up in jail......and they come in red!
I love the hat and earrings

Looks like good friends out to have fun

I love those shorts
I was in awe! Love the jackets and the shirt! and they designed them themselves. Too bad they didn't have a label so I told them to try ''Three Hot Dudes!'' ;-)
I met the designer and asked for the same! 
Collection from Mefa Creations
Tel:+254203535015/ +254734841997

My friend Grace in a colorful print and a sweet bag!

Lucy Kawira (on your left) designer of Weshlons Fashion House.  Email: snajna88@yahoo.com Facebook: Weshlons Fashion House

I absolutely love the dress she is wearing and the tie and dye piece leaving the scene

Looking beautiful with a baby bump...I guess most of you couldn't tell!

gorgeous models showcasing young designers' stuff                       
This gentleman is wearing Dishol and the lady as well. 

Kitenge covered journal..love it
My new closet!

I love it...

You owe me something sir! I like your bow tie though
.....i like his pause

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