Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Standard Chartered Marathon and the aftermath!!!

Standard Chartered Marathon
I just want to advertise that I beat all these guys you are seeing here!

I did my 21km in time I am going for 2hrs 45mins ;-)
Hi guys I am sorry for this late update but I was still writhing in pain and agony after my over-ambitious run at the Standard Chartered Marathon that took place at the Nyayo stadium this past Sunday (28th Oct).

I am runner and I have been running for like five months but took a break in August and September. I had no plans of running this marathon because I knew my body was not prepared but after the Kitenge festival I felt like I ought to do it. So I became one of those people who made late payments and scavenged from the Village Market to the CBD and finally to Mombasa Road (Nakumatt Mega) to find a race number. (If only I had done this earlier!)  With only one week left I resumed my running enjoying my runs through Karura forest and along the roads early in the morning. Thank God the weather was favorable. 

The day before the marathon and lets just say there are a lot of things that can derail you. For example two bottles of fine wine (thanks bro) and friends (you know yourselves!)who suggest ''brownies''........Crisis was obviously averted even though the idea of Usain Bolting all the way to the finishing line sounded very appealing. But if Lance Amstrong can pay such a hefty price picture what will happen to someone no one has ever heard of and who has no Kip or Chep attached anywhere on her name.......SCANDAL

So the day of the marathon finally arrived and it was raining cats and rained all night! Really weather! really!

I made it to the stadium in the nick of time and pushed (gently like a lady!) my way some place closer to the starting line. Except I wasn't the only late boomer who wanted to be close to the starting line! 7.30am the gun went off and they cheered and I crossed my fingers and prayed for no side stitches. Every runner has their own thing that just seems to pull them back and for me the side stitches always know the perfect time to start ruining a perfectly fine run. Some get hungry, others get tired and others simple get bored!
The runners........
The walkers......................

I started running and realized just how well my body had adapted to running again so I kept pressing on, remembering to breathe in twice and out twice. This method really works. Had I known my body was only pretending that I was in perfect shape I would have quit and walked off because I promise you the pain I went through after finishing that race was nothing wordable!
Anyway I totally enjoyed the run and if there was another marathon the day after I probably would have crawled all the way to the starting line and then drag my body all the way to the finishing line.....(it's funny when you picture it in your head!)

I was impressed by the thousands of people who showed up for the race. it was for such a good cause.I hoped to land a couple of interviews but the closest interviewee I could have gotten that day is the guy driving the ambulance.

While I was running I came to realize why people do this. the joy and elation you feel is priceless. Even if 80yr Olds or 10yr Olds kept passing me and I passed them back and I they overtook me again and they were on my trail (it was like battle of the titans! How I wish this was July when I was at the peek of my running. I could have showed them who is boss..)
Nicki Minaj I have never appreciated the beats to Starship like I did that day. You propelled me. Beethoven you calmed my mind when my cuffs were hurting and all I wanted was to meditate the pain away. It worked...

The race started outside Nyayo stadium down to Uhuru Park then down to University way . We then we ran down to.........Oooooooh God we ran and ran!!! Here's a map to prove it.

I have a couple of reasons why I think people came for the marathon.
1.Because they care for the cause
2.Because they want to lose weight
3.Because they love running
4.Because they want to keep fit
4.Because they want to show off how fit they are
5.Because they want to beat a previous time
6.Because they were forced by their partners
7.Because they just had to get out of the house
8.Because all their friends are doing it 
9.Because it is cool
10.Because it was raining outside and it would feel like ...................OK my ideas probably don't make sense or don't matter but what ever reason you had for going for the marathon your donation and participation was welcome. 

I met new friends and made new alliances. I will definitely be attending more marathons. I enjoyed the whole experience and the only reason I was in pain is because I didn't do sufficient exercise. I am fine now.......

See you on my next post........heading back to Kisumu City....I have a date with some artists.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


This beautiful lady is wearing a Kitenge jacket and looks absolutely HOT! 

To say I had FUN is without a doubt an understatement. To say I had A COLOSSAL AMOUNT of FUN is much closer to the truth. I absolutely enjoyed myself and from the look of everyone's face people were happy to be there.

Kitenge Festival is a celebration of the Kitenge/Ankara fabric and everything African.  The vendors wowed us with everything and anything, name it and I would have pointed you to a stand or probably picked out a biz card from the collection I had and refer you to someone.

I was at the Art Caffe at the Village Market having my Cappuccino and plain croissant.....I know I know. But I already confessed I am an addict and the first step to recovery is acceptance! So as I was having my breakfast the music from the festival venue kept hammering (in a good way) that I was getting late and missing out on all the juicy stuff and I know how I don't like being the one to ask...''so what happened after?'' I like being the source. I went home and wore my Kitenge outfit and was back in like 30 minutes and just as I was entering the venue I could have promised (I am trying to avoid the word sworn ;-)) heaven gate's must have been bolted open because angels were everywhere!!!colorful angels! and they were floating in the air singing wonderful things in my ears and drawing .....okay, people were dressed for this occasion and the there was so much color in the air!

This Collection is from AfroNista.
Jackie Ouma and the gentleman back there is her brother Norbert Ouma.
Designs are done by their sister Laura Ouma currently in Nigeria

Part of the AfroNista Collection


Meet Mwikali of Gorge, the Lady behind one of the hottest Jewellery to love her smile!
To get in touch with her:
facebook:Gorge (nbi)
Tel: +254732675247

Meet this lovely lady marketing Wambui Mukenyi's Holiday Collection
Facebook: Wambui Mukenyi
And another form the Holiday Collection......

Here is more from Wambui Mukenyi's Holiday Collection. This was one of my favourites....

This beautifully crafted dress was part of Mcensal School of Fashion and Design's collection. I took a brochure just in case ;-)

and this is how to  STRIKE A PAUSE! Smile!

This is how you rock an outfit.....Leopard print Kitenge Jumpsuit.....

Tony Opot and Zeynab Ally of ZeynabAlly.
Facebook: Zeynab Ally
Tel: +254728414457

High heel from ZeynabAlly...check out the Clutch bags under the shoe

Check out Tony's jacket and Zeynab's blouse and jewellery...

Meet new designers Ado Yiembo of Tanashati (in whities) and Mitchel Langi of Dassa (In the shoes I want)
You can get in touch with Dassa through email:

Plausible reason for ending up in jail......and they come in red!
I love the hat and earrings

Looks like good friends out to have fun

I love those shorts
I was in awe! Love the jackets and the shirt! and they designed them themselves. Too bad they didn't have a label so I told them to try ''Three Hot Dudes!'' ;-)
I met the designer and asked for the same! 
Collection from Mefa Creations
Tel:+254203535015/ +254734841997

My friend Grace in a colorful print and a sweet bag!

Lucy Kawira (on your left) designer of Weshlons Fashion House.  Email: Facebook: Weshlons Fashion House

I absolutely love the dress she is wearing and the tie and dye piece leaving the scene

Looking beautiful with a baby bump...I guess most of you couldn't tell!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Welcome to Café Olé

As I sit on my desk ready to offload the amazing experience I had today, I feel utterly and completely overwhelmed and overly bubbly just writing this post. I had one of those interviews where when I get back home I feel absolutely retarded! YES RETARDED!!! Words almost feel unworthy of the great treat my tongue had today.

Café Olé is the new restaurant in Kisumu City. Located along Kisumu-Kakamega road, inside United Mall or what is popularly known as ‘’Tuskys’’. 

It’s rich and exotic menu and ambiance makes Café Olé clearly stand out from the rest. This menu is designed to make you hungry even if you just had your meal! (Exactly what happened to me! But it was totally worth it! I will gym it away….:-))

Why the name Café Olé? Olé as I learnt is a Spanish word that has many meanings such as well done, good job or keep going, a congratulatory, encouraging and a celebratory word. Café Olé simply means ‘’A cheerful place to celebrate’’

As I walked into this new Restaurant, barely two weeks old, I paced to the counter and literally pounced on the waiter with an ‘’oh my God! I love this place!’’ Bewildered of course, he smiled at me welcomed me to Café Olé. Like a tourist I started darting my eyes all over feeding them with everything and anything, and there was a lot to be fed.

CORNEL KOMBUDO is the Director and lead chef. Right by his side is his gorgeous Lady and business partner Co-director, WINNIE NOON.  

Cornel, as he is popular known is actually a chemist. Yes chemists can actually cook! I never knew…but anyway…..he studied Chemistry at Rust University in Mississippi. He worked as a kitchen staff in The Olive garden, an Italian restaurant and a Jamaican restaurant called Bahama Breeze. He also worked at Buffalo wild wings and the Red Lobster. All those years of experience fed to his desire and passion for cooking and owning his own restaurant where he can share with the world his love for food.

Noon, studied fashion design at Kenyatta University and has her own fashion business going on along the restaurant and other businesses. She iron lady chose to quit her job and support her man’s dream and it was evident they both played very important roles.  

Now, back to the restaurant..

The menu like I had mentioned earlier is rich and the prices are really fare considering how rich and costly the ingredients used are. The meals cost not more than 600kshs ($7) and the potions, let's just say you can't complain...except when you eat more than you can handle

So I guess this is the part where I shame myself and tell the world how I literally stole food right from Noon's mouth into mine. She had ordered chicken fiesta and just the sight of this meal got my already full tummy rumbling. I was asked to have a bite and that what I intended to do up until my folk just couldn’t give it a rest. My fingers kept hovering between my pen and the folk. That meal is the reason I am bubbly and happy.

Now that is the meal I had stolen! The plastic bag is my To Go Chicken Vino Bianco I ordered for my sister and possibly shake her taste buds as well...and back there is the lovely couple.

Who is your target client? Professionals. Professionals who are looking for a place to relax and unwind.

What meal is most liked by your customers? Chicken Vino Bianco. This is chicken prepared with chardonnay, mushrooms, scallions and butter. Chicken and cheddar bugger is also a favorite.

Our cocktails margarita and Mad Slide are also a big hit with customers…oh and the milk shake…you have to try the milk shake. (I smiled and started subconsciously calculating gym membership because I could possibly make a habit of eating there daily…)


Best experience? Designing Café Olé. This restaurant is practically handmade except for the tiles. Everything you see here was done by us even cutting those stones on the walls! His experience in the US taught him the importance of Doing it yourself because labor was always too expensive.

Anything else I haven’t asked but you feel is important? This guy is addicted to Food Network!!we have endless cassettes of recorded shows. He absolutely is in love with the Food Network.(In his defense he says how she is always watching Fashion TV and Style network. that's fair...I love both channels so I watch Crime!!!Maybe Travel....anyway it isn't my story so carrying on...

This is the gentleman behind the counter. 

With Area 51  an under 24yr club Located just behind the main bus station and Barizi in Kondele estate, that attracts a more mature crowd because of the Rhumba music, Cornel and Noon have a wonderful baby boy and now a new baby, Café olé. These two dream big and they shared their dream with me but I won’t share with you because you will steal it and ruin it!!! Sorry…….

So I managed to pick a few things off the menu and just show the range the restaurant offers for people with different tastes.
If chicken is your go-to dish, chicken Vino Bianco, Buttered chicken kieve, chicken fiesta e.t.c. are there to make you fire your chef!
If you are a beef lover, Jack Daniels steak should have you addicted and committed! And many other dishes.
Snacks, appetizers…… know what! Have the whole damn menu! Try something different every time and bring your friends along and celebrate.

The wine collection consists of mostly Chilean wines and South African wines but Cornel promised to introduce wines from other parts of the world….I will hold him to that!

This part of the wine display and if I remember correctly someone mentioned the word cellar and these other two words, coming soon...but this person finished with other words that sounded something similar to these..if everything goes as planned. Oh well a girl can only hope! 

So now my dear readers, it is that time of the night when I say I worked hard today so I need to sleep hard. Tomorrow is Friday and I have to get my beauty sleep because I might just get lucky……………………lucky to find another wonderful place to write about!

Good night 

Monday, October 8, 2012

I am at Duke of Breeze


Sitting back in his office, busy answering calls from someone I assumed was a supplier, Manager John Wade welcomed me to his office with a big smile and a firm handshake. So I sat down and started ranting about who I was and why I was storming into his office....actually I knocked and waited till I was invited in.
Seeing that he was busy, I asked if I should scedule a meeting with him another day but he insisted that I should just carry on with the interview.

A very calm, soft-spoken demenour around him, John at first glance will not strike you as a man of many words but once the questions came rolling so was his love for Duke of Breeze. He was clearly in love with his job and happy to be there.

Located at the heart of Kisumu City, this Budget Hotel with accommodation starting from Single room 2000kshs to triple 3600kshs, the rooftop of this hotel is arguably its selling point. D.B. started operating in 2009 and according the manager what separates them from their competition is obviously the Rooftop and service delivery by the staff. He swears that no other hotel can serve you like D.B. does.

Who is John? John is a businessman

So who is the best performing team member? VICTOR OKWENGU, SENIOR CAPTAIN, who by the way is rocking a killer Mohawk.

On Your right is the Manager John and the Senior Captain Victor   
 Best rooms in the house? 106 and 206
Why? They are more spacious compared to the rest of the rooms

If you were to change anything at D.B. what would it be and why? The restaurant downstairs. This is one part of D.B. that has been neglected over the years and should be given as much attention as the Rooftop.  The other thing is our accommodation can do with a little stepping up. I mean we are just as good as the others regardless of the fact that we are a budget hotel so we need to improve on this.

Best cocktail in the house? Pina Colada and West ghost special. They sell like should try it!
(And try I shall...Friday night. I just added this because I have every intention of going back to D.B. to have my Pina colada n wine of course! nway back to the interview)

Best food? Mongolian stir Fry. at only 550kshs, you get to choose a veggie dish or beef or chicken.
(I had already had my lunch otherwise this interview would have continued an hour later)

Any events? Music at the Rrooftop. Chosen to suit everyone's taste. We also have New year parties every 31 of December.

(so as we were going on with the interview this Gentleman, a guest at the hotel knocks and hands John a gift. Well I guess that was just a sign of him being awarded for something nice he must have done)

So John, any best personal experience you have had at D.B.? My birthday last year. Dinner with friends at the rooftop then the D.J. announces that it was my birthday so I was, in my own words, center of attention.

John, thank you very much for being so kind and friendly, now, I need my cappuccino! (He laughed but I was dead serious. We said our goodbyes and Victor escorted me to the rooftop for my cappuccino. I am ab addict, I can't help it!)

Part of the Rooftop

Check out the rusty sandy floor...and the view.

My beverage and of course THE NOTEBOOK N' PEN. Got to have them....

And the chef's special.........

So John has promised that there is going to be a total revamping of Duke of Breeze. The Rooftop is getting an absolute make over and the restaurant getting the right it deserves. All we can do is wait n see.......

It's goodbye from me...see you till my next post